
We have been manufacturing flagpoles since our inception in 1986. In those beginning years these were only used by Government Institutions and large Corporate companies, the demand was limited. In April 1994 the new South African Flag was adopted and so started the Flagpole Boom.

As South Africans were patriotic about the new flag, the Government wanted to promote this patriotism and laws were changed so submission of plans was no longer needed for erection of flagpoles. This promoted the idea that flags could be used not only for the SA Flag but for other uses such as identification of business and advertising.

We have identified the demand and have one of the widest range of Flagpoles available in South Africa from lower price economy flagpoles to the more elaborate expensive flagpoles up to 15m high with different base mountings.

Flagpoles have a variation of bases. A sleeve Base concreted in ground . A sleeve base with Base plate that can be Rawl Bolted or chemical anchored to an existing concrete slab base. A swivel base that the bottom half will be embedded in concrete. A swivel base with base plate that can be Rawl Bolted or chemical anchored to an existing concrete slab base. With some custom flagpoles we have a double flange hinge base.

Apart from the ground mount flagpoles we have others that can attach to a wall and protrude outwards at 45 or 60 degrees. Wall mounted flagpoles that are vertical, extending past the roof of building and the same with an outward extension bracket that can extend past a gutter or eave of roof. All of these can also have a hoop bracket attached to base of flagpole to allow for extension of halyard (rope) to a tie cleat lower down on the wall for easier access.

Other Flagpoles include Cluster Flagpoles, Hidden Internal Halyard (rope) Flagpoles, Banner Poles, Indoor Flagpoles with disk base or 4 leg base, Hire Flagpoles, Yard Arm Flagpoles, Windsock poles, and a Rotating Arm Flagpole that keeps the flag splayed out wind or no wind (The flag will rotate with the direction of wind alleviating stress on flagpole and flag to not act as a sail with cross winds as is with fixed arm flagpoles). See YouTube video below.

Sleeve Type Flagpoles

Sleeve Type Flagpole 7.5m
Sleeve Type Flagpole 9m
Sleeve Type Super Econ Flagpole 6m

Sleeve Type Flagpoles With Base Mounting Plate

Base Plate Flagpoles
Super Economy Flagpoles 6m with Base Plate
Base Plate Flagpoles Sleeve Base

Swivel Base Flagpoles

Flagpoles with Channel Swivel Base
Flagpoles swivel base intexma
Intexama Flagpole Swivel Base Extended side posts concreted in ground

Swivel Base Flagpoles With Base Mounting Plate

Hotel Flagpoles
ICC Flagpoles 13m
ICC Flagpoles 9m
ICC Flagpole Swivel Base
Government Flagpoles With Flags
Government Flagpoles
Government Flagpole
Government Flagpole Base

The Following Illustrates The Various Base Options For Ground Mount Flagpoles

Flagpoles 7.5m Various Ground Mount Base Options
Also available in 6m and 9m.
Swivel Base options up to 15m.

Wall Mount Flagpoles

Angle Mt Flagpoles with Arm Mounting
Angle Wall Mount Flagpole
Indoor Angle Wall Mount Flagpole
Angle Mount Flagpole showing hoop bracket for tie cleat lower down on wall
Wall Mount Flagpoles

Hinged Wall Mounting Vertical Flagpoles

Extended Vertical Wall Mount Flagpoles

Custom Design Flagpole

Flagpoles Cluster 5
Stainless Steel Flagpoles
Custom 16m Wall Mount Flagpole
Internal halyard flagpole 6m to 15m
Custom Yard Arm Flagpole
Custom Double Yard Arm Flagpole
Windsock Flagpole
Rotating Windsock Pole Attachment
Collapsable Flagpoles with fold out Base

Rotating Arm Flagpoles

The following flagpoles have been designed to flow with the direction of wind alleviating stress on flag and flagpole such as a fixed arm flagpole will have with cross winds. They also attract attention with their dancing affect.

Flagpoles with Rotating Arm

Indoor Flagpoles

These come with detachable bases. The poles can also be segmented with sleeve joints for condensed packing for transportation.

Disk Base Flagpole Height 2m, Light Duty Disk Base 305mm, 38mm Diameter Flagstaff for half size flag 900mm x 600mm

Disk Base Flagpole Height 2m, Medium Duty Disk Base 480mm, 50mm Diameter Flagstaff for flag size 1.2m x 1.8m
Heavy Duty 4 leg Base Flagpole, Height 2.5m – 3m, 50mm Diameter Flagstaff for flag size 1.2m x 1.8m
Indoor Flagpole 4 Leg Base 2.5m – 3m Option to be segmented

Flagpoles For Hire

Flagpoles are available for hire for functions and events, pegged flagpoles for lawns or freestanding of varied height